7 Types Of Plastic That You Need To Know
Do you know exactly what plastic number you should avoid and what number holds the biggest chance of damaging the environment?
Philippines, Plastic Pollution Issues
Based on a study by Jambeck et al. (2015), the Philippines ranked third as the world’s greatest plastic waste generator, with the second being Indonesia…
Market Study For Philippines: Plastics Circularity Opportunities And Barriers
Like many rapidly developing countries, the Philippines grapples with unsustainable plastic production/consumption and insufficient solid waste management infrastructure. A staggering 2.7 million tons of plastic waste are generated in the…
5 Reasons To Protect Mangrove Forests For The Future
They store carbon, protect against flooding and create breeding grounds for fish. But these verdant, lush ecosystems are under threat.
Sustainable Mangrove Rehabilitation: Lessons And Insights From Community-Based Management In The Philippines And Myanmar
This study generally aims to synthesize the best practices and challenges in mangrove rehabilitation in the Philippines, Myanmar, Japan, China and India. It employed an in-depth review of secondary information such as policy documents…
Rehabilitating Mangroves In The Philippines
Building social, economic and environmental resilience through the protection and rehabilitation of coastal greenbelts
11 Facts You Need To Know About Mangroves
With the ability to store vast amounts of carbon, mangrove forests are key weapons in the fight against climate change, but they are under threat worldwide. Share these facts about mangroves and help protect the future of our planet.
REPORT – Oceans And Sustainable Development Goals: Co-Benefits, Climate Change And Social Equity
A healthy ocean will benefit global sustainable development in a number of ways, finds a new report published today by the Nippon Foundation-Nereus Program.
Sustainable Development Goals and the Ocean
The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO holds a universal mandate and global convening power for ocean science and capacity development in support of the 2030 Agenda and its sustainable goals.